10 TV shows to binge-watch this winter

Winter brings with it long evenings and a lack of interest in going outside (or getting off the couch at all really). What better time to catch up on all those shows you keep hearing about? The ones you keep swearing you’ve been wanting to watch for a while now? The fabulous Achala Upendran, author of Where the Dog Star rages, and I have compiled a handy dandy list of shows that make for great winter binge-watches. Our recommendations include the old, the new, the odd and the unquestionably enjoyable.

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David Simon’s Show Me a Hero does more than just that

 “Show me a hero, and I’ll write you a tragedy” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Source: Rotton Tomatoes
Source: Rotton Tomatoes

David Simon, creator of Show Me a Hero and The Wire, fills his work with both heroes and tragedies. With his journalist’s eye and training, he creates shows that shine a light on problems facing urban America, which in turn forces his audience to take a long, hard look at systems and institutions that are broken.

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