Game of Thrones hurtles towards its exciting conclusion, but what is getting lost in the process?

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for the most recent season of Game of Thrones.


It’s that time of the year, again. A new season of Game of Thrones has ended, leaving in its wake countless re-caps and thought pieces. It is not surprising why – GoT is an odd duck in the world of TV. Not only has it has successfully broken the niche fantasy mold and become a mainstream success, it is also an adaptation of a series that is still being written. I have not read the books, and don’t plan on any time soon, but I am fascinated with the relationship between the two, especially now that the TV show is “off-book,” for the most part at least. This season was an exercise in the unknown for book and TV fans alike. It served up many exciting (and long-overdue) moments, and it felt palpably different from past seasons – but is that a good thing?

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David Simon’s Show Me a Hero does more than just that

 “Show me a hero, and I’ll write you a tragedy” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Source: Rotton Tomatoes
Source: Rotton Tomatoes

David Simon, creator of Show Me a Hero and The Wire, fills his work with both heroes and tragedies. With his journalist’s eye and training, he creates shows that shine a light on problems facing urban America, which in turn forces his audience to take a long, hard look at systems and institutions that are broken.

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One square inch of power: Why Cersei vs. Margaery elevated GOT Season 5


[Full disclosure: I have not yet read any of the books from ‘A Song of Ice and Fire.’ So this piece is based only on what I have seen on the HBO show.]

The Game of Thrones finale was, to put it mildly, a hotly debated one. Capping off what was one of GOT’s most polarizing seasons, the finale was brutal and many people are unhappy for many reasons. Book fans are upset over certain choices the showrunners made over the course of the season and some show fans just don’t know if they can stomach another rape scene or watch another beloved character meet an unjust and untimely end.

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